About Us


Canapa is the new digital cinema hall of the CamilloKino in Görlitz and part of the VoD platform Cinemalovers. This was launched by the Bundesverband kommunaler Filmarbeit e.V., the Hauptverband Cinephile e.V. and Filmwerte Potsdam GmbH. 

Canapa stands for solidarity-based programme cinema on the sofa - in the border triangle and beyond! 


Your cinema opens worlds!

entertaining | surprising | fearless

The CamilloKino is a committed, participatory concept cinema with passion and focus. It is an established socio-cultural institution in Görlitz that has a supra-regional impact with cultural education.

The supporting association is the Filmclub von der Rolle '94 e.V., a non-profit socio-cultural association in Görlitz, which was founded in 1994 as a student initiative. The association currently consists of 12 members, most of whom work on a voluntary basis to achieve the goals of the diverse association. In addition, there are currently two permanent employees who manage the various projects of the association. 

As the operator of the CamilloKino art house cinema in the old town of Görlitz (Handwerk 13) and as a mobile cinema for the rural area in East Saxony, we stand for entertaining, surprising and fearless arthouse and independent film productions, which we personally select carefully, with a lot of passion and with a focus on diverse thematic complexes. 

As a socio-cultural association, we are committed to cultural education work and have been the sponsor and initiator of intersectional anti-discrimination and awareness-raising projects in the Görlitz region for many years, which have already gained national recognition. For example, we run a FLINTA*Space (FLINT*erie) in the city centre of Görlitz in cooperation with the initiative "feminist*forum", which also serves as a save, co-working and networking space as well as a venue for lectures, workshops, concerts and performances. Politically, we are active as representatives of the Queer Network Görlitz in the advisory board of the LAP Diversity of Saxony.

But films are also an important medium for us to sensitise people to current social issues and to strengthen the empathy of individuals with the internal and external perspectives that can be experienced in this way. For this reason, we have been organising an annual LGBTTIQ* film festival (Camillo Queer Cinema Week) in our programme cinema since 2016.